Founder's Message

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktuh and Welcome.

Alhamdulilah, our dream to set up a foundation has come to fruition. We began the process of applying for approval in the year 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a long wait and only in 2022 has the foundation been finally approved.

Alhamdulillah we are blessed to begin this new chapter of our lives and we are honoured to welcome you to the official website of Yayasan Al Baqiyat Al Salihat Asmah Azimah.

Our parents have instilled in us from young that what we have is not ours and it is our duty, when we have enough, to give back to others. This is not only our duty as Muslims but also as human beings. At the end of the day, we are following the guidance of Allah SWT as in the Al-Quran and our prophet’s sunnah. In the process we hope to honour our parents, especially our mothers who we have named our foundation after.

We started by providing aid and charity where we could on a personal basis. Being parents ourselves, we empathise with the struggles of many underprivileged parents, from being unable to put food on the table to ensuring that their children are well educated. To address these issues, we previously carried out charitable work on a small scale such as organising home cooked meals to be sent to orphanages, single mothers, and other organisations. We also provide monetary aid to those in need and helped build mosques in rural areas. We even sponsored some students in their pursuit of education. However, we soon realised that we needed a more focused approach in our philanthropic work.

Over time, we have been blessed with more prosperity and therefore we could increase the scale of these operations with the aim of reaching more communities. Once we have a dedicated area of focus, we can then expand and work alongside committed and able partners to assist us to carry out our work in an effective and sustainable manner. Partners with familiarity of the needs of the less fortunate and whose technical expertise will give our projects a larger impact in the lives of the intended beneficiaries. We will strive to build a better community in Malaysia, our home, before hopefully expanding to help countless people in need abroad. This will be our next step forward in the future, Insyallah.
We hope you share in our vision to work together to create meaningful change. We welcome you to join us as partners, donors and volunteers. Together we can make a greater impact in bringing much-needed assistance to those who need it most. Even a small contribution in any way can create a big change. Thank you for your contributions in any way possible, it will be much appreciated.

Fuziah & Azmil